Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life is what you make of it

I have come to realise that it is YOU that chose how you want to live your life.
You can be given the same situation-- and it is your attitude that changes the outcome of the situation.
It you have an optimistic attitude... then chances are that you will find the situation more pleasing. On the contrary, if you have a pessimistic attitude... you may find the exact same situation as horrible, and unsatisfying.
Also, I find that people with high expectations often are left unhappy because their expectations are not fulfilled. Sure, I think it is good to have decent expectations... but come on, if you go overboard and imagine something that you know is almost impossible of happening... then chances are you are going to be left feeling unsatisfied.

I remember back when I was 15, I went to a formal event with a guy I liked. This guy was kind of a jerk, yet we were talking for a while, and he seemed like he really wanted to go out with me. So basically I let my expectations take over the event. I expected him to bend backwards for me, and make me happy. I expected him to hold my hand, and pay attention to me all night. But when reality took over-- I realised none of my expectations were achieved. Now, if I were to re-do that situation, I would definately go out on the dancefloor and have a good time. I wouldn't let him bring me down that night. But of course, my expectations took over me that night-- and I ended up being very upset about it.

I also find that one of my friends holds high expectations of her cleanliness. Sure, I understand that a house is more liveable when it is clean... but come on, being on the ball every second is kind of draining. I would say our house is very clean for a bunch of students on a hectic schedule. We keep up with as much as we can. Yet she gets upset when a dish is left out for a day-- which in a university household, is absolutely nothing. All my roomates, and all my friends see her expectations as too demanding, and very unrealistic. And overall, I find her very unhappy because of these expectations. I hope one day she will realise that the house is actually clean.

Unrealistic/high expectations are hard to have when your trying to live a happy life. I still think it is good to have expectations.. as long as they are realistic. Because sure, maybe there is a better house out there, a better job, a better boyfriend, a better car, a better... well you get it... but not realising what you have is, well awesome... is going to cause troubles in the future.
Sure, unless you know you could get a better job-- then I would advise to stop complaining about what you don;t have... and start to see the things you do have. They might not be so bad afterall.

Appreciation is a great way to start loving your life. If you start appreciating the simple things... than you may find yourself happier than ever. I still think it is good to grow, and better yourself and your environment and such... but it is good to appreciate what you have at the current moment.
For example... say someone trying to loose a little bit of extra weight. They can choose to be unhappy with themselves during the process-- or they can choose to be happy with themselves, and then once they do lose weight... they will be even happier.
Also, say you are living in a house that isn't the BEST house in the neighbourhood. You can choose not to appreciate the house, and be unhappy with it... or you can choose to appreciate it, and therefore live a happier life. You may move into a better house one day-- and be even happier because of it.

Appreciation is definately an ingredient to living a happy life. By appreciating simple things, you learn to love life the way it was dealt to you. You might not be the richest person in the neighbourhood, or the smartest person... but you can choose to appreciate what you have, the talents you have and the people in your life.
It is all what you make of it.

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